Unexpected Moments
Dear Haddie, Last night I was putting your sister to bed. She asked for chocolate milk. When I say asked it was more of a whine, cry, and on the verge of loosing it over
The Other Life
Haddie Bo Bo, Today my mind keeps going there. I feel the lump in my throat rising and I try to swallow it. I feel the tears forming...they are seconds away. I am irritable. I
Growing Pains
Haddie, Eloise is the only child that has called me Mama. She is the only one that I have seen stand on her own, take her first steps, etc. Fitz is getting older and
Preceded in death by
Haddie Bo Bo, Yesterday we said goodbye to Daddy's Grandpa Bromley. We found out about his death on New Years Eve. He lived a long and happy life. We sat and listened to story after
In This Burning House
Haddie Bo Bo, I have heard this song "In This Burning House" before but today it struck me. I doubt that it is about greiving the loss of a child, but I identified with many
Police Pictures
Haddie, Last week I received a disc of pictures in the mail. These pictures are from the day you died. I have not seen this pictures. I had put the disc in the cupboard with