Haddie Bo Bo,

I talked about you a lot today.  I said your name out loud many times and shared your story.  Today was my first time attending a meeting for Ottawa County’s Safe Sleep Collaborative.  We are a group of people that have some sort of connection to safe sleep and hoping to educate and spread awareness.  Today was the first time that Haddie’s Calling made a donation of sleep sacks, we were able to donate 20 sleep sacks today.  The sleep sacks that we donated today will be in the hands of Child Protective Social Workers that make home visits.  As these workers encounter families with babies they will hand out a sleep sack with your story attached and take the time to talk about safe sleep.  So today was very…very exciting and emotional.  It felt good.  Tomorrow our first order of Haddie’s Calling Sleep Sacks gets delivered…FINALLY.  So much work to do.

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Yesterday I watched videos of you to make sure you were real.  You were really here.  You were your own person and you completed this family.  Sometimes it seems like a dream, and I find myself wondering if you were real.

We are still working on Baby Bromley’s room.  I sat in the chair in his room and thought about how full our house would be if you were here.  Every room would be full and our house would be crazy, chaotic, and full of love.  It was a very daunting thought.  I am starting to look forward to meeting your brother.  But meeting your brother means I will have lived through June 2nd and the 1 year anniversary of your death…so it’s conflicting.  Daddy said today, “I can’t believe that Hads has been gone that long.”  I immediately choked up and couldn’t talk anymore about that.


Love you baby girl.  I am so proud of you.

