
You Completed this story

  Haddie Bo Bo, You were small.  You were just a baby.  You hadn't spoken your first words yet or taken your first steps.  You hadn't lived long enough for people to know who Hadley

I’m sorry that I am not sorry

Haddie Bo Bo, It is so true that grief will catch you by surprise.  One minute you are laughing, interacting, and having a great time.   Then within minutes I am flooded with memories of you,

I want to go home

  Dear Haddie Bo Bo,   Today I am ready to go home. Not to my house. I’m ready to go home to heaven to be with you. I am tired. I am so tired

New Losses

Haddie Bo Bo I am sitting on the couch in the basement of our new house. We did it, we moved. Moving day came so fast. I didn't really have time to think about what

Your Last Day

Dear Haddie Bo Bo, A lot has been going on. Today Fitz is 2 days shy of being 10 months. This is how old you were on the day you died. I have dreaded this


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